Thursday, August 28, 2008

Findhorn Ecovillage

"vision without action is merely a dream, action without vision just passes the time, vision with action can change the world"

Hello friends and family! Thanks for checking up on swansongs. I hope this will be an exhilarating, expansive, enlightening, and most importantly interactive learning experience. I will be getting on an airplane this afternoon to fly to the Findhorn Ecovillage in Northern Scotland. Here are some things I've learned about the place prior to my trip.....

THE HISTORY: In 1962, Peter Caddy, Eileen Caddy, and Dorothy Maclean followed their intuition and grew a garden in a barren trailer park in Northeastern Scotland (picture). Through perseverance and a deep faith, they grew huge herbs, plants, and flowers--including a famous 40 POUND cabbage. Word spread and a small community formed with the undercurrents of a harmonious relationship with nature. Formally registered as a Scottish Charity, the Findhorn Foundation grew to 300 members in the 70's and 80's. Now with over 400 members, it is internationally recognized as an ever-evolving community committed to a sustainable future for mankind.

THE VISION: To live sustainably, not only with respect to the environment but socially, economically and spiritually as well.

THE ACTION: Projects in eco-housing, biological sewage treatment, wind turbines, organic gardening, non-doctrinal spirituality, and much more.

That was just the warmup. My plane leaves in a few hours and I've got to finish packing. I will spend the first week at Findhorn doing "Experience Week." After I experience "experience week", I'll tell you all about it. I want to keep this blog so that anyone who is interested in Findhorn can post questions, comments, thoughts, etc. I would love to be a liason to this fascinating place so feel free to ponder and I would love to ponder back. Until next time!